Monday, July 18, 2011

Natural Hair Loss Remedies for Female Hair Loss

There has been a growing demand for natural hair loss remedies for women in recent years. That may be because women are more likely to be embarrassed when their strands start to thin or fall out. It can result in a loss of self-confidence and lead to emotional problems, which can result in more severe health issues. So it is important to deal with the problem quickly and effectively.

Consumers are much more health conscious and aware of the harm that can occur by using products that contain chemicals. They want to know what goes into the products they buy. There is a strong indication that the more natural the products, the more acceptable they are to consumers.

Losing follicles can occur in women at any age for a number of reasons and identifying the cause helps to go a long way to determine the best natural treatment. One of the most common causes for strand thinning in women is menopause. Estrogen is the hormone that controls the testosterone level in the body and when the level of estrogen drops the testosterone goes up. This can lead to baldness in women.

Sometimes the natural hair loss remedies can be as simple as a slight change in your diet. Pharmacy and health food store employees are available to provide customers with advice on the best herbal products and supplements that are recommended for a particular condition.

Missing meals and eating the wrong types of foods can lead to a lack of the essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required to keep the body and scalp healthy. This is often coupled with stress that could mean the level of personal care falls. Food that contains the correct mix of nutrients and essential vitamins, such as oily fish that contains omega 3, helps to maintain healthy scalp and follicles.

Stress is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. The problems occur when the stress becomes excessive and is continuous for a prolonged period which can lead to baldness. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils that are products made from the extract of plants and herbs are effective in bringing about a state of relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Different styling products may contain chemicals that can damage your strands, or in extreme cases cause baldness. The frequent use of coloring and styling products may also contain harmful chemicals that can damage hair and prevent new growth. Overuse of heating implements for drying and styling can also cause damage. Using products that contain only natural ingredients such as herbs and plant extracts helps to protect hair and encourages new hair growth.

Some illnesses that require radiotherapy, chemotherapy or some other medication types can damage follicles and cause them to get destroyed. Taking preventative steps by adopting a healthy diet and using natural hair loss remedies may not only stop it from falling out, but will also help to generate growth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Castor Oil to Treat Hair Loss in Men

A number of men all over the world are not strangers to baldness. Hair loss or alopecia can present itself due to stress or hereditary factors. Since there are a lot of people suffering from this disorder, industrial manufacturers found and keep on finding ways on how to treat the problem. But they also saw a solution in castor oil for hair growth.

Since the old ages, men have been suffering from hair loss. But they are not the only ones who do; women and children also experience this kind of situation. Laser hair regrowth, surgery and other topical and oral products have been manufactured to battle this irritating problem.

How do men benefit from using castor oil on their scalp?

According to studies and research, men who use castor oil benefit in increasing their hair growth and thickness. It does not end there; the eyebrows can also grow thicker if the oil is applied on the areas. This is because the oil is a natural conditioner which allows the dry scalp to be moisturized and retain the healthy hair.

Also, the oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help with maintaining the growth of hair at its maximum. That means that the growth of dandruff caused by bacterial infection is set at its minimum. More healthy hair can grow if the scalp is at its best.

On the other hand, physicians are to be consulted for topical applications of castor oil. They are the only ones who know whether you are fit enough to consider using the oil on your scalp. Also, they can advise you to use the oil along with several other products that also induce hair growth on the areas of baldness. So in order for you to experience the maximum potential of castor oil, ask your physician all about it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Female Hair Loss: Categories and Causes

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we don’t like losing our hair. Those extra strands clogging the shower drain or rolling around the bathroom floor like tumbleweeds in the Mojave desert can send us to the mirror in horror, wondering if it’s really true: Are we going bald?

Okay, maybe not bald for most of us, but thinning hair is equally distressing. Especially when you consider the voluminous manes that virtually every woman walking down the runway or red carpet seems to be sporting.

Some women are inclined to think that hair loss is simply the result of getting older, but quite often, the real culprit behind those falling strands is something completely different. Something you may, in fact, be able to correct!

Let’s start with the facts. An estimated 30 million women in the United States suffer from thinning hair. Hair loss affects 50 percent of women over the age of 50. And while it may seem like this is a growing problem among females, in reality, according to Valerie Callender, board certified dermatologist and Nioxin Expert Consultant, it’s because more women today are seeking treatment. “This can be traumatic for anyone. Women, in particular, are eager to correct this because it can affect self-esteem, confidence and relationships.”

Types of Hair Loss

There are basically four types of hair loss: Female pattern hair loss, which occurs mainly on the vertex and crown area and is a diffuse loss or thinning; traction alopecia, which is the result of hair breakage; alopecia areata, which leads to bald spots; and telogen effluvium, which is a diffuse loss of hair all over.

The type of hair loss you have can result from genetics, a medical condition, lifestyle or other disorder.

Causes of Hair Loss

According to Callender, hair breakage or traction alopecia is the most common type of hair loss. It can result from the overuse of heated styling tools (blow-dryer, flatiron), chemical treatments (hair dyes, perms), or ponytails, extensions or braids that are too tight. Callender said this type of hair loss can be reversed if caught early, but it could also lead to permanent hair loss due to damaged hair follicles.

On the other hand, female pattern hair loss (which is also very common) is largely based on hereditary and postmenopausal factors. Alopecia areata is the result of stress, and telogen effluvium can be caused by pregnancy, diet, thyroid disorders or anemia. Birth-control pills, surgery or testosterone supplements can also contribute to hair loss.

But the causes don’t stop there. Certain scalp disorders can also wreak havoc on your hair.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an exaggerated form of dandruff caused by yeast (malassezia). It can result in inflammation of the hair follicles. After a while, a red, itchy, dry rash develops on the scalp and can also develop on the face as well around the eyebrow area, nose and ears. Recommended treatments include ZPT (zinc pyrithione) shampoos and ketoconazole (or Nizoral) shampoo.

Psoriasis occurs on the scalp and body and is caused by the immune system causing a proliferation of skin cells. Basically, the cells don’t shed and build up. Top treatments include a topical cortisone, topical Vitamin D and tar shampoo.

Cicatricial or scarring alopecia is an intense inflammation and permanent destruction of hair follicles. And while the cause is unknown, treatments include doxycycline and topical cortisones.

Hair Loss