Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Alarming Connection between Thyroid and Hair Loss

The hair has always been one of the measuring mediums of the overall health and well being of a person. Whenever the body is experiencing an extensive and abrupt change in its nature due to illnesses, this can result in excessive hair loss in most prevalent instances. There are numerous circumstances that can trigger hair loss including hormonal imbalances, medications, surgery, poor diet or vitamin deficiencies and medical conditions such as thyroid diseases and lupos.

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two different disorders which once a person has been targeted, rapid hair loss can be observed. Hyperthyroidism is an over production of thyroid hormones thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3). Thyroid hormones in normal amount are necessary to stimulate metabolism and growth. An over production of either thyroxine and triiodothyronine or both can definitely cause hyperthyroidism which includes fast heart beat thus, showing symptoms of palpitations, anxiety, and nervous system tremor. Antithyroid medication or a radioactive iodine therapy is a treatment that is initially given for hyperthyroidism.

A medical expert may advise or prescribe a patient who is experiencing numerous symptoms to take antithyroid drug in order to alleviate the condition. However, a patient can decide whether he or she would like to receive radioactive iodine therapy. Hypothyroidism on the other hand is the underproduction of thyroid hormones due to thyroid tissues that are not functioning properly. A recognized treatment for hypothyroidism involves daily use of the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid, Levoxyl, and Unithroid). These oral medications restore adequate hormone levels, making the body to shift back into its normal condition.

HERE to find out how to battle hair loss efficiently!

Monday, April 5, 2010

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Alopecia or hair loss in layman’s term steamed one of the highly profound devastation that shook up millions — teens, young adults, professionals and even the most celebrated personalities of varying fields. Alopecia excuses no one in the wide-range age continuum.

Contemporary science currently services the millions of victims in alleviating hair loss; punctuating this dilemma and placing remedies on the palm of their hands.

In preventing alopecia, it entails more than just treatment that halts furthermore hair follicle destruction. Moreover, this should come in appraising ones totality and modifying it. These agents precisely include diet, lifestyle, habits, and environmental stressors.

Understanding these precipitating factors is far advantageous in acknowledging and correcting hair loss dilemma; than just trying out every other product out in the market. Even in going to clinics for correction of hair loss, health care professionals are routinely bound to look above and beyond yourself. Laboratory work ups and assessment are necessary in ruling out definitive diagnosis, before carrying out actions of appropriateness with regards to treatment.

Prevention goes in a manner of speaking, manageable than curing it. And in looking after your hair, one should opt for precaution and safeguarding oneself than procuring remedy in the latter part of the day.

Here are a handful of tips in Hair Loss prevention:


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thinning Hair Loss

Thinning of the hair can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause of such unfavorable condition is Androgenetic alopecia or also known as the male and female pattern baldness. This intensely affects men more than women and is due to the effect of the male hormone of Dihydrotestosterone or DHT in the hair follicle that destroys the hair production.

The thinning and progressive hair loss in men tends to show a specific pattern on the head. The hair starts to thin on the top or the crown of the head and gradually, the hairline recedes showing a horse shoe shape on the frontal area of the head. It is a different case in women, they don’t experience these hair loss patterns but...

Read more about THINNING HAIR LOSS

Hair Loss