Sunday, August 14, 2011

Charlotte’s Chronicled Causes of Hair Loss

When Charlotte Moore lifted parts of her hair and noticed bald patches on her scalp, she immediately sought advice from her doctor.

Her scalp psoriasis was suggested as one reason for this, but unsatisfied, Charlotte sought help from a local trichologist who asked her, ‘Did something happen to you about three months ago?’

Then 24-year-old Charlotte unfolded her story about how, last October (three months before her trichology consultation), she had been treated in the hospital for ulcerative colitis.

She recalled, ‘I was on a lot of drugs and it was about New Year when I noticed I was losing a bit of hair. Then I noticed I had bald patches under my hair’.

The expert’s conclusion was that the drugs had prevented essential nutrients from reaching her hair and she was referred through to trichologist Katie Philips in Piddington, Northamptonshire, for a consultation.

Katie gave Charlotte a scalp treatment for her psoriasis and equipped her with some lightweight hair extensions.

Charlotte reflected: ‘I was highly embarrassed by the hair loss and initially no one could give me answers. My doctor had known I had been in hospital and made no connection to that at all’.

Although chemotherapy for cancer treatment is a well-known cause of hair loss, according to Katie Philips there are many more causes which are not often discussed.

With the number of straightening irons, hair dyes and other harsh beauty tools found today, modern fashions are not conducive to good, healthy hair, according to Katie. Combine that with crash dieting trends and the stress of a fast-paced lifestyle, the risk of women hair loss increases.

She said, ‘When people lose their hair, I have to try to find out why they lose their hair, I do a consultation in which I go into their general health and any changes in their health’.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Laser Therapy for the Regrowth of Your Lovely Locks

More recent LLLT (low level laser therapy) hair regrowth studies have started to reveal the reasons why and how laser light therapy helps stimulate hair regrowth. These studies have shown that laser light increases the levels of a chemical compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is known to stimulate living cells including the hair follicles. LLLT also has the effect of increasing the circulation of blood to the hair root which delivers the nutrients to cells that make up the hair follicle. The increased blood flow is also thought to help flush away the damaging waste products that may affect the hair growth cycle. This helps to improve the scalp environment to help stop thinning hair and promote new hair growth.

Over the last few years, laser technology has advanced to a stage where a laser device can now be manufactured to a size smaller than your finger and at a very low cost.

A company developed and patented the first miniature LLLT hair laser combwth device using the new laser technology. This made possible for the first time an effective LLLT hair loss treatment that was cheap and small enough be used in your own home without having to go to an expensive hair clinic. The new device comes in the form of a hair laser comb/brush that needs only be used for 10–15 minutes three times per week. The manufacturers claim that while users’ experience will vary, 45 percent of users will see positive results after 8 weeks of treatment with another 45 percent seeing benefits from 10–16 weeks onward.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the laser comb device for use in the treatment of hair loss and the stimulation of hair regrowth. The laser comb is now one of only three treatments cleared by the FDA for use in hair regrowth, the others being finasteride and minoxidil. The laser hair regrowth device now brings new hope to the many men and women suffering from premature hair loss.

Monday, August 1, 2011

DHT-Inhibiting Hair Loss Treatments

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a leading factor for the onset of hair loss in men and women. The ability to block DHT will greatly reduce hair thinning. You must ensure you’re applying the correct hair loss treatment in order to effectively prevent DHT from causing baldness.

DHT is the leading factor in baldness in males. This inherited condition gradually slows the hair growth cycle and causes hair follicles to shrink or get smaller, resulting in a lack of production of hair. This is where DHT blockers are employed in order to remedy your balding problem.

In order to understand how to block DHT, you must first understand DHT itself. DHT is a byproduct of the interaction 5-alpha reductase enzymes and testosterones, which are produced in adrenal and prostate glands.

DHT is the substance which contributes to male pattern baldness and changes in hormone levels. The overall effect of DHT on an individual is decided by that individual sensitivity to DHT.

In layman’s terms, the more DHT in your system, combined with your ability to combat DHT, equals your ability to maintain a full head of hair.

Prevention of contact between DHT and the hair follicles found in your scalp is typically a primary focus in combating male pattern baldness. Hair loss treatment products found in pharmacies across the country are usually scientifically manufactured with considerable amounts of minerals and herbs in order to prevent contact of DHT with the hair follicles in your scalp.

With the proper application of hair loss supplements, DHT can be successfully blocked; this is then when hair regrowth can be achieved.

Many DHT blockers are available on the market today. It’s essential that when investing in hair loss remedies, you perform an adequate amount of research as well as consult your doctor. Most DHT blockers come in the form of pills or topical creams.

But what is the most popular and most effective DHT blocker on the market today? The most popular hair loss treatment that contains DHT blockers is finasteride. It is available in pill form and is usually taken once a day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Desired Hair Regrowth from Natural Hair Loss Products

Hair loss treatment is quickly becoming a solution. I was surprised to find out just how many people suffer from hair loss problems. It’s quite easy to see who is suffering just by looking at people. Some people try to hide the fact that they are losing hair. People will wear hats or try to comb over bald spots. Many of these techniques are noticeable from a mile away and don’t fool people. If someone suffers from thinning hair, hair falling out, or some type of exposed barren spots on their scalp, a hair loss treatment is needed. A good idea to get more information about your hair loss is contacting a physician. After answering a series of questions, a general diagnosis can be given to why your problem is occurring.

If you need to take action that requires a professional’s help, you will need to decide what treatment you are going to have. Now when trying to find the right type of treatment, there is a lot of different options to choose from. Lots of the products have different types of side effects, and cannot do much effective treatment. However, there is a hair loss treatment that can help anyone. A hair loss treatment is most effective when it does the job. Hair loss treatment is now not only available to everyone, but it works. There is no more wearing hats, comb-overs, and dealing with the uncomfortable side effects of hair loss. A great option is the use of organic-based hair loss products.

What hair loss products formulated with natural ingredients do is to work the hair loss treatment from within the scalp. Products that contain saw palmetto extracts can efficiently tap and activate weak hair follicles, stimulating them to grow hair again. Natural hair loss products usually come in a package—that is, a set containing a shampoo, conditioner, scalp scrub, serum and cream for night and day treatment. All these are formulated with plant extracts that contain properties that promote hair regrowth and stop the spread of hair loss. Vigilant usage of such treatment packs can help one obtain a full head of natural hair again.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Natural Hair Loss Remedies for Female Hair Loss

There has been a growing demand for natural hair loss remedies for women in recent years. That may be because women are more likely to be embarrassed when their strands start to thin or fall out. It can result in a loss of self-confidence and lead to emotional problems, which can result in more severe health issues. So it is important to deal with the problem quickly and effectively.

Consumers are much more health conscious and aware of the harm that can occur by using products that contain chemicals. They want to know what goes into the products they buy. There is a strong indication that the more natural the products, the more acceptable they are to consumers.

Losing follicles can occur in women at any age for a number of reasons and identifying the cause helps to go a long way to determine the best natural treatment. One of the most common causes for strand thinning in women is menopause. Estrogen is the hormone that controls the testosterone level in the body and when the level of estrogen drops the testosterone goes up. This can lead to baldness in women.

Sometimes the natural hair loss remedies can be as simple as a slight change in your diet. Pharmacy and health food store employees are available to provide customers with advice on the best herbal products and supplements that are recommended for a particular condition.

Missing meals and eating the wrong types of foods can lead to a lack of the essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required to keep the body and scalp healthy. This is often coupled with stress that could mean the level of personal care falls. Food that contains the correct mix of nutrients and essential vitamins, such as oily fish that contains omega 3, helps to maintain healthy scalp and follicles.

Stress is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. The problems occur when the stress becomes excessive and is continuous for a prolonged period which can lead to baldness. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils that are products made from the extract of plants and herbs are effective in bringing about a state of relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Different styling products may contain chemicals that can damage your strands, or in extreme cases cause baldness. The frequent use of coloring and styling products may also contain harmful chemicals that can damage hair and prevent new growth. Overuse of heating implements for drying and styling can also cause damage. Using products that contain only natural ingredients such as herbs and plant extracts helps to protect hair and encourages new hair growth.

Some illnesses that require radiotherapy, chemotherapy or some other medication types can damage follicles and cause them to get destroyed. Taking preventative steps by adopting a healthy diet and using natural hair loss remedies may not only stop it from falling out, but will also help to generate growth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Castor Oil to Treat Hair Loss in Men

A number of men all over the world are not strangers to baldness. Hair loss or alopecia can present itself due to stress or hereditary factors. Since there are a lot of people suffering from this disorder, industrial manufacturers found and keep on finding ways on how to treat the problem. But they also saw a solution in castor oil for hair growth.

Since the old ages, men have been suffering from hair loss. But they are not the only ones who do; women and children also experience this kind of situation. Laser hair regrowth, surgery and other topical and oral products have been manufactured to battle this irritating problem.

How do men benefit from using castor oil on their scalp?

According to studies and research, men who use castor oil benefit in increasing their hair growth and thickness. It does not end there; the eyebrows can also grow thicker if the oil is applied on the areas. This is because the oil is a natural conditioner which allows the dry scalp to be moisturized and retain the healthy hair.

Also, the oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help with maintaining the growth of hair at its maximum. That means that the growth of dandruff caused by bacterial infection is set at its minimum. More healthy hair can grow if the scalp is at its best.

On the other hand, physicians are to be consulted for topical applications of castor oil. They are the only ones who know whether you are fit enough to consider using the oil on your scalp. Also, they can advise you to use the oil along with several other products that also induce hair growth on the areas of baldness. So in order for you to experience the maximum potential of castor oil, ask your physician all about it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Female Hair Loss: Categories and Causes

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we don’t like losing our hair. Those extra strands clogging the shower drain or rolling around the bathroom floor like tumbleweeds in the Mojave desert can send us to the mirror in horror, wondering if it’s really true: Are we going bald?

Okay, maybe not bald for most of us, but thinning hair is equally distressing. Especially when you consider the voluminous manes that virtually every woman walking down the runway or red carpet seems to be sporting.

Some women are inclined to think that hair loss is simply the result of getting older, but quite often, the real culprit behind those falling strands is something completely different. Something you may, in fact, be able to correct!

Let’s start with the facts. An estimated 30 million women in the United States suffer from thinning hair. Hair loss affects 50 percent of women over the age of 50. And while it may seem like this is a growing problem among females, in reality, according to Valerie Callender, board certified dermatologist and Nioxin Expert Consultant, it’s because more women today are seeking treatment. “This can be traumatic for anyone. Women, in particular, are eager to correct this because it can affect self-esteem, confidence and relationships.”

Types of Hair Loss

There are basically four types of hair loss: Female pattern hair loss, which occurs mainly on the vertex and crown area and is a diffuse loss or thinning; traction alopecia, which is the result of hair breakage; alopecia areata, which leads to bald spots; and telogen effluvium, which is a diffuse loss of hair all over.

The type of hair loss you have can result from genetics, a medical condition, lifestyle or other disorder.

Causes of Hair Loss

According to Callender, hair breakage or traction alopecia is the most common type of hair loss. It can result from the overuse of heated styling tools (blow-dryer, flatiron), chemical treatments (hair dyes, perms), or ponytails, extensions or braids that are too tight. Callender said this type of hair loss can be reversed if caught early, but it could also lead to permanent hair loss due to damaged hair follicles.

On the other hand, female pattern hair loss (which is also very common) is largely based on hereditary and postmenopausal factors. Alopecia areata is the result of stress, and telogen effluvium can be caused by pregnancy, diet, thyroid disorders or anemia. Birth-control pills, surgery or testosterone supplements can also contribute to hair loss.

But the causes don’t stop there. Certain scalp disorders can also wreak havoc on your hair.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an exaggerated form of dandruff caused by yeast (malassezia). It can result in inflammation of the hair follicles. After a while, a red, itchy, dry rash develops on the scalp and can also develop on the face as well around the eyebrow area, nose and ears. Recommended treatments include ZPT (zinc pyrithione) shampoos and ketoconazole (or Nizoral) shampoo.

Psoriasis occurs on the scalp and body and is caused by the immune system causing a proliferation of skin cells. Basically, the cells don’t shed and build up. Top treatments include a topical cortisone, topical Vitamin D and tar shampoo.

Cicatricial or scarring alopecia is an intense inflammation and permanent destruction of hair follicles. And while the cause is unknown, treatments include doxycycline and topical cortisones.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baldness Cure

A study investigating a new treatment for gastrointestinal disease had an unexpected side effect: it reversed baldness.

Scientists were testing a new chemical compound on mice genetically altered to overproduce a stress hormone known as corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), which, among other effects, causes mice to lose their hair as they age.

After five days of daily injections of a newly developed anti-stress hormone, the balding mice were returned to their habitats. Three months later, researchers went to gather up the mice for follow-up studies, but their hairless subjects were gone.

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“It was completely unexpected,” Jean Rivier, with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, told Discovery News. “They couldn’t identify the mice except for their ear tags. That’s when they realized that they’d grown hair.”

Follow-up studies on younger mice that hadn’t yet lost their fur showed the anti-stress hormone actually prevented hair loss.

Rivier and colleagues have filed for a patent on the compound, known as astressin-B, and set up a company to begin raising money for development and testing.

It’s too soon to say if astressin-B would have similar effects on humans, but researcher Million Mulugeta, with the University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, is hopeful, particularly since the hormone restarted the hair growth cycle in mice.

”It is difficult to say if this will work for all forms of hair loss. What is promising is that this turned on the hair cycle. It triggered the hair follicles to start working again. Is it possible this mechanism is common to other forms of hair loss? Maybe,” Mulugeta told Discovery News.

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“The next step is to find out how this (hormone) works, what cells are affected, what’s turning on and off to cause the dramatic effects that we’ve see in terms of hair loss reversal,” he said.

The effects of astressin-B extend well beyond the hair follicles. Preliminary results show a beneficial impact to the gastrointestinal system, the point of the original study, as well as the cardiovascular system and other areas of the body where receptors for the stress hormone are located.

The dosages administered to the mice were quite low and the effects were long-lasting—about four months. The success rate was 100 percent, Mulugeta said.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tips on how to stop hair loss

stop hair lossAlopecia or hair loss has become a prevalent condition in almost all adults nowadays. Many people want to stop hair loss and regrow the lost hair. Other men embrace baldness as it is and are not even bothered by the physical havoc it caused them. Hair loss is a condition proven to provide emotional and physical disorders in a person; it is in fact considered one of the most common factors to contribute to anxiety and depression. It is essential to note that there are several treatments for loss of hair that can potentially revive the hair, but it is also good to remember that no treatment has been made to completely cure the condition.

There are beneficial tips provided below to help you prevent further hair loss and bring back your lost hair.

Tips to prevent hair loss

* Do not wear hats that are too tight. Doing so can certainly cause poor blood circulation in the head which can lead to damage stop hair loss leimoin the hair follicles and thus may result in hair loss.
* You can efficiently stop hair loss in a result of clogging by avoiding gels, creams, and sprays. If these products are used directly and constantly on your scalp, it may clog the hair follicles and hence may cause hair loss.
* Avoid using hair equipments frequently like blow dryers, straightening and curling irons. All of the said equipments can substantially strip off natural oils in the scalp and can cause damage to the hair follicles and hair shafts.
* Do not get too much hair treatments such as coloring, dying, perming and bleaching. Getting immoderate treatments for the hair can surely decrease the tensile strength of the hair, leading to a brittle, thin and lifeless hair.
* Stop eating too many red meats or fatty foods and begin to have a diet that is rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Vitamins and minerals found in nutritious foods like the vitamin B complex, zinc, magnesium and many others are very beneficial in hair loss prevention.
* Avoid hairstyles such as ponytails, weaves, and cornrows, which stretch and pull the hair.

To endure a hair loss condition can be a very difficult time in your life. Once you are afflicted by it chances are extensive hair loss or even worse permanent baldness could inevitably occur and dealing with this truly distressful condition can be very confusing and upsetting. Following the tips above might just be your only solution to stop hair loss.

Kinds of Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss TreatmentThere is about 50 percent of men who are 40 to 50 years old who are experiencing hair loss. Hair loss is more common in men, especially that it’s usually caused by DHT. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen by-product of testosterone. Since testosterone is one of the primary male hormones, men are more prone to alopecia or hair loss. In women, DHT cannot cause hair loss due to the protective properties of estrogen (primary female hormone) and progesterone. Hair loss occurs in women, however, if there is a significant decrease of estrogen levels. Hence, alopecia is no longer afflicting men only, there is also a steady rise in the number of women suffering from it.

Although hair loss itself is not a life-threatening condition, it still gives a huge impact on the well-being of a person. Fortunately, hair regrowth treatmentthere are already several hair loss treatment inventions and innovations. The challenge now is to find the appropriate, effective, and safe treatment.

In finding the most apt solution to hair loss, persons experiencing alopecia narrow down their search to the three major kinds of hair loss treatment:

• Natural Treatments
Being mindful of the overall safety of your body is to opt for hair loss treatments containing natural, herbal, or organic ingredients. A prominent natural hair loss treatment is saw palmetto. Saw palmetto extracts contain properties that target the buildup of DHT. This herb gives the best results when used with nettle root. Fennel and mistletoe extracts are also moisturizers of the hair and scalp. Green tea is also efficient in lessening the condition of excessive hair loss.

• Medications
Leading medications for stopping hair loss are finasteride and minoxidil. Both medications are pioneers in being approved by the FDA to treat hair loss. Finasteride is an oral drug taken once a day; it usually comes in the form of a 1 mg pill. Minoxidil is a topical solution to be applied on the scalp twice a day. Both drugs effectively block androgenetic hormones and helps achieve hair regrowth. Users of both drugs, however, have reported cases of swelling and severe itching of the scalp, heart palpitations, decreased sex drive, and testicular pains.

• Surgery (Hair Transplantation)
This is usually the last resort for people experiencing hair loss. It not only costs a lot of money, it involves a lot of risk and needs much maintenance also. Hair transplantation has options that range from scalp reduction to tissue expansion to flap surgery. Each procedure of hair transplantation costs about $6,000 to $20,000.

From there, a person with alopecia can further narrow down his options to certain products and specific brands from each kind of hair loss treatment.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Avert Premature hair loss Using Drug free Strategies

I feel it’s safe to say that no one wishes to lose their hair. Yes, there are various people who are much more secure with the idea of going bald, but for other people, it can be a overall emotional roller coaster! So, it is no surprise that when going bald starts to occur we ask is baldness reversible? Well, before we can discover if in fact balding is reversible, we have to find out the things that provoke the loss of hair in the first place.

The main causes of premature hair loss stem from:

• Circulation difficulties
• Genetic makeup
• Nutritional components

Though, all of these conditions play a role to baldness in different ways, they all share one common denominator. All of them are leading to a nutrient starved hair follicle, which in itself will set off weakened hair and its inescapable loss.

Triggers of Male Thinning hair:

There are various problems that lead to male hair thinning, and if you are likely to get the answer to your question, “is baldness reversible?” it is exceptionally helpful if you know really what type of hair thinning you are battling with. There are quite a few types of illnesses, trauma, and even surgeries that can induce thinning hair. This can generally happen since your body’s regular functions get interrupted because of the severe stress you have been through. Fungal infections and other kinds of diseases can also produce hairloss, no matter how old you are. If you imagine that you are having hairloss from any of these matters outlined above, you should make contact with your doctor.

The loss of hair can additionally be a side effect of specific medications or modifications in hormone levels; then again, the most frequently known initiate of male hair thinning is genetics and DHP accumulation. And, while it was recently thought that genetics were the main initiate of thinning hair, it has been identified by experts, that genetics are actually not the primary issue at hand. Considerable research has discovered that DHT buildup, more commonly known as dihydrotestosterone, can set off a block between nutrients and your hair follicles, thus, blocking new growth.

Hair Loss